Closing Date: 31 October 2014
Please note: to participate you have to be an active member of the RATANOOGA Forums.
The idea is a little different this year due to the Postal Strike: a list is made of everyone interested and each person sends an E-Christmas card (in other words, via email, not physical cards this year) to every other person on the list. Besides yourself of course… unless you really want to! 😛 If you’re not that PC savvy, we have some card options for you to download and use:
Click to View image
To save: right click the link and click “Save Link As”
RN E-Christmas Card 01
RN E-Christmas Card 02
RN E-Christmas Card 03
RN E-Christmas Card 04
RN E-Christmas Card 05
RN E-Christmas Card 06
RN E-Christmas Card 07
RN E-Christmas Card 08
Fill out the form below to enter yourself into the Exchange list!
Terms & Conditions: By submitting this form, you agree that your details provided may be given to others who are participating in this year’s Exchange, that you are over 13 years of age or that you have permission to participate. You also agree to send a card to everyone on the list you receive, cos well, fair is fair.